Tuesday 29 March 2016

Lush Skin Care Favourites

I recently made a rather large purchase from Lush online and went a bit crazy for their skin care products. Recently I have had a major problem with my skin, breaking out in spots and getting red, irritated patches on my face with any product that I used to try and calm it down.

So I did a lot of research about Lush products and how they can help your skin as they are supposedly natural and vegan products that are not full of chemicals that you can't even pronounce. I watched loads of reviews praising these products and also read about the cons (most of which were complaints about the smell of these natural products).

I have a combination skin type, so I get oily in my t-zone and then dry patches on my chin and other areas of my face so even though these products work for me they may not work for people with a different skin type, I would recommend you do some research and read reviews on these products to see if these products will help you before buying them.

1. CoalFace Facial Soap

I use this cleanser every morning and as it is a soap cleanser all you need to do it rub it in wet hands like soap and then apply it to your face in circular motions to gently exfoliate and clean all the dirt off your face, then rinse off with warm water. This product has antiseptic rosewood, sandalwood, charcoal and sixteen other ingredients that helps to absorb excess oil from your face and make it feel really clean. A lot of reviews that I read suggested that this product dries out your skin so you shouldn't use it everyday however I use this daily and find that if you use a good moisturiser after using this it leaves your skin feeling amazing all day. The smell of this product does not bother me but a lot of people said it was the only reason they didn't like this cleanser on the Lush website, it has a very earthy smell but it does not linger on your skin. I noticed a difference in the size and redness of my spots after about four days of using this cleanser.

I use this cleanser every evening in my night time skin care routine, it has a very crumbly consistency and to use it you need to get about a pea sized amount and mix it with water in your hands to create a kind of watery paste. Then you just need to rub it into your skin and rinse off when your skin feels lovely and soft. I find that this product is slightly exfoliating but is okay for daily use. The main ingredients in this product are ground almonds, nettles and rosemary that help to balance the skin along with eight other ingredients to make your skin feel clean and fresh. As well as CoalFace, this cleanser has an earthy, herbal smell but it really helps to reduce redness in your skin and if you have irritated skin like me you will feel a difference straight away, when I was using my Clarins cleanser it would irritate my skin as soon as I applied it but with this cleanser it feels really refreshing and makes my skin feel nice and tight.

This toner water is gentle on your skin and so refreshing to just spritz over your face after cleansing. I use it day and night to help control redness along with my cleansers. I generally love all products with tea tree in them because it is known to reduce spots and redness but when I use tea tree oil on its own, it picks my skin and even though it helps reduce my spots it also stings and irritates areas of my face. Because this toner is a mix of clarifying tea tree water and refreshing grapefruit water it really helps to keep your skin clear and clean. This product has only four other ingredients in it and smells amazing, this is a must have toner.

I have used these toner tabs before and ordered them again because they are so great for steaming your skin, I normally fill a bowl with boiling water and pop one of these in the bowl and while its fizzing like a bath bomb I hang my head over the bowl so all the steam opens up my pores and treats my skin. I would say to always use this at night before you go to bed because its so relaxing and I always find it helps me sleep. This is only really needed as a treat for your skin every couple of weeks or if you are having really bad skin one week try one of these because they really help to calm your skin.

5. Imperialis Moisturiser

This moisturiser is a lightweight formula to balance and calm your skin, it has a strange herby smell but it feels lovely on your skin. I use is in my morning skin care routine before I apply my make up and it leaves my skin feeling moisturised all day, the only thing I have noticed is that if you don't apply a matte primer before your foundation this moisturiser can leave your skin looking slightly oily or dewy through out the day. The website claims that it is loaded with lavender, St John's wort, sweet violet, sunflower, elderflower and mullein which is all used to restore the skin. After using this for about a week I started to notice my chin wasn't as dry and my skin was looking more hydrated whereas for the past few months my skin has looked really dull. I would recommend this for someone with dry skin because its helped my dry spots a lot but if you have combination skin like me you may want to try something else, once this one runs out I will be looking for another Lush moisturiser that may be more fitting for my skin type.

This face mask is my favourite mask from Lush, it smells amazing, the combination of chocolate and mint is perfect and it is just what my skin needs as a treat once a week. I apply this all over my face and neck after cleansing and leave it on for around 15 minutes, then clean it off with warm water. The rhassoul mud in this mask is great for softening your skin and the cocoa powder helps to deep clean your whole face and I saw a noticeable difference straight after I used it. I can't really praise this product enough, I would just say try it and you will love it.

I never believe in spot treatments because they normally just dry up my spots and all the skin around them but this treatment seems to have reduced my spots and the redness but it isn't a miracle product, a lot of people who reviewed this on the Lush website said that it made their spots vanish pretty much straight away but I had to use this for about a week and a half to notice any difference from just using this treatment and even after using it I am not sure if it  has made the difference or if it is the cleansers that I have been using that are clearing up my skin. This treatment is made up of a combination of eleven ingredients including thyme, rosemary and tea tree and claims to 'Zap those zits pronto' but try it and see what you think.

The last product I ordered in my Lush splurge was the Bubblegum lip scrub which I have used before and I love it. It exfoliates your lips and makes them so soft. I use it pretty much everyday before I put on lip balm because even though it's a sugar scrub, I still find it gentle enough to use daily. This product is made with organic jojoba oil which is why its so naturally moisturising and is perfect for the winter months.

Thanks for reading my post, if you have any products you love by Lush or any other skin care brands please let me know in the comments as I am always in need of trying new brands and products.

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